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Electromobility is changing car manufacturing

ICE projects

The entire automotive segment has been changing right before our eyes in recent years. The production of combustion engines has taken a back seat, replaced by electric drives.

The production of gearboxes and other parts for traditional cars is being replaced by the manufacturing of components for electric vehicles. Oil coolers are replaced by battery coolers, and the volume of electronics in cars has increased drastically. For us, 2023 was also marked by electromobility and overcoming new challenges. 

Working with electronic components affected all our teams, from design to manufacturing to assembly. Our team had to familiarise themselves  with new technologies and learn new procedures. 

Supplying manufacturing machines for small electronic components, such as printed circuit boards, connectors, or special parts, was a technical challenge. Working with miniature components required specific technologies and approaches. We had to adapt our machines to work with smaller dimensions and the demand for precision and surface quality; this meant adjusting our procedures and collaborating with additional suppliers. 

Due to our eagerness to seek new solutions, we were always able to develop reliable solutions, including handling, technological, and control process steps. We managed to adapt to new technologies such as clinching, applying sealing and thermally conductive pastes, bonding, and molding plastics,  electro-erosion machining, and conductive coating.

"We see great potential for future development in components for electric vehicles, as they will find applications in many industrial sectors."

Vojtěch Příhoda, Hardware Design Team Leader