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ICE Questionnaire #WeAreICE Jiří Šubrt - navigator

ICE culture, #WeAreICE

Jirka 'Šugy' Šubrt is writing history at ICE. He initiated the first impulse for establishing a mechanical design department in what was once a purely electrical engineering company. Besides his role as a designer, he has held numerous other positions at ICE - from bid manager and salesman to, when needed, an installer. Today, he is the leader of the team of navigators - a position that makes ICE unique. What does the role of a navigator entail?

➡️ Can you explain what it means to be a navigator exactly?

A navigator guides our people through the world of ICE. This position is inspired by the role of a Scrum Master, but it’s so specific to our needs that we came up with our own designation. The navigator helps maintain the unique ICE corporate culture and oversees the functioning of project teams according to our agreements.

➡️ Why do you think the navigator is important?

The navigator helps people identify their strengths and assists them in developing these. As a result, our teams are more efficient.

➡️ Would you say the navigator anticipates problems?

Definitely. They appreciate but also point out things that aren't in line with the team's functioning or ICE's values. Often they resolve unnecessary resignations resulting from misunderstandings or help prevent burnout.

Feedback culture is a cornerstone of how ICE operates, which we all give each other, but the navigator is its main carrier. Our job is to harmonize relationships in the team, which truly helps us anticipate problems.

➡️ How would you describe ICE's culture in three words?

Unique, incredible, addictive.

➡️ How do you unwind after work?

I have two small children who bring me immense joy. I try to pass on as much of my knowledge and skills to them so they have plenty to choose from when they decide how to spend their free time. When I do have some free time, I've recently been spending it actively at the airport in Nové Město nad Metují. Generally, I enjoy continuously learning new things. Thanks to ICE, I've managed the unthinkable – elegantly combining work with one of my other hobbies - yachting. We go to Croatia to sail the Adriatic Sea. This year was our 5th year, with 21 people participating in three crews.

➡️ Do you have any funny stories from the ICE work or leisure environment you can share?

There are really many stories. My freshest experience happened in Croatia on the yacht. We were anchored in a bay, enjoying a beautiful day walking on a deserted island and snorkeling around the boat. After a while, our second crew sailed up and anchored near us. While snorkeling, they discovered an abandoned anchor under the stern of their boat. One colleague last year found a fender at sea, so the anchor would certainly fit well in his collection, with plans to build his own sailboat from found items in a few years. They immediately began an operation with an experienced diver to retrieve the anchor from the seabed, which was at a depth of 12 meters. When the crew started pulling the anchor up by the rope, they were pleasantly surprised to find a chain attached to it. However, the joy turned to disappointment when they realized the chain led to the bow, and they were actually pulling up their own anchor.

➡️ How do you explain your long-standing loyalty to ICE?

At ICE, I have many true friends with whom we share absolute mutual trust. Generally, I enjoy the alignment of my personal values with the company's. I relish the business success of the company and how we are evolving. Last but not least, our legendary events. They are something you have to experience.