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Our mobile concrete printer enables the production of custom concrete elements across the globe.

With 3D printing, architects and engineers can explore new design possibilities, pushing the boundaries of traditional construction. The technology also speeds up the construction process itself, allowing projects to be completed faster.

Patented Print Head

Patented Print Head

Our unique print head allows the concrete to be mixed with a commercially available additives to accelerate the setting of the concrete during printing. This allows us to achieve efficient material utilization.

Easy Data Preparation

Easy Data Preparation

We use our own software and digital design methods to optimize the shape and surface of the structures.

Simple Operation

Simple Operation

The operator oversees and controls the entire process using a touch panel with our customized software.

Our 3D concrete printers are ready for sale now.


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The Future is in Automation

Construction automation is transforming the industry and taking it into the 21st century. Our company is a leader in this field. We use the latest technology to ensure our projects are high quality and efficient. Through automation, we increase productivity, reduce costs and minimize errors.

Stationary 3DCP Solution

Stationary 3DCP Solution

  • Ideal for the production of smaller and medium size objects.
  • Possibility of combining robot with track to increase the print area.
Mobile 3DCP Solution

Mobile 3DCP Solution

  • Ideal for on-site 3D print and prefabrication in halls.
  • On-site printing combines the advantages of 3D printing, prefabrication and construction. 
  • This combination reduces transportation costs and overall production costs.
Local Concrete

Local Concrete

With our own comprehensive system, we are among the first in the world to enable printing from common locally available materials. Our unique print head allows concrete to be mixed with commercially available additives to accelerate the setting of the concrete during printing. This enables efficient material usage.

Non-proprietary Recipes

Non-proprietary Recipes

  • Are usually way cheaper than prefabricated mixes.
  • Can be prepared in almost any concrete batching plant.
  • Reduces transport distances.
DatICE Coral

DatICE Coral

The DatICE data collection system helps to optimize 3D printing setups and analyzes the progress of measured or controlled variables during individual prints. All data from the print control is stored in the DatICE database, allowing for retrospective access and analysis. Maximum, minimum and average values can be displayed for selected variables for a selected period. 

In addition to the print control data, the system also includes information about the surrounding environment at the time of printing. A record of the movement of the printing device over time is also available, as well as the ability to synchronise and later analyse the video recording together with graphs of the recorded variables.

More about DatICE

Basic Components


Any CEM I - III cement that is compatible with the laboratory tested accelerator can be used. Stable cement chemistry is a prerequisite for consistent quality of 3D prints.


We use quarried river sand with a fraction of 0-4 mm. We are working on developing the use of recycled material (concrete or demolition bricks).


Both virgin raw materials like limestone and industrial waste materials like fly-ash or blast furnace slag were tested. Each has a different but positive effect on the final properties.


Commonly available water is used. Heating or cooling of added water can be used to control the temperature of the fresh concrete.

Mobile printer and all its accessories fit onto single truck or into two 20ft shipping containers.

One of them could be used as a cleaning station and maintenance shed, while the other could serve as storage and a garage.

Concrete Pump

Concrete Pump

Our concrete pump is equipped with a cavitation pump up to a grain size of 8 mm. Our concrete pump can be operated in both manual and automatic mode.

Pump Station for Additives

Pump Station for Additives

Our dosing pump station is taking care of all additives which are added in our printhead. It is an essential part of our system.



Tank track chassis allows the printer to move on the construction site. Chassis can be diesel or electric.

Lets find the best solution for your projects


"We are aware of the great potential of 3D printing technology, which can bring time and cost savings, even greater safety, lower waste production, a more environmentally friendly approach and wider possibilities in the recycling of construction waste. At the same time, we are aware of the limitations and challenges involved, which is why we decided to test the technology directly during the construction of the apartment building. If 3D printing proves to be successful even in such a technologically demanding type of construction, it could significantly transform the construction of our residential projects in the future."

Petr Michálek, CEO of Skanska Residential, told

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We believe in originality and uniqueness, which is why each of our projects is custom designed. We do not work with templates, we prefer to focus on the specific needs and requirements of our clients.