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Industrial Academy -

Simulation of robotic systems

Simulation of robotic systems

Do you create robotic lines and want to figure out the problem before everything is assembled? We'll teach you how to simulate better than Neymar.

For whom the course is intended

For companies and individuals who can apply for our course through the application of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and apply for a subsidy of 82% of the total price of the course.

 MPSV application

Course length

5 days

What I'm going to learn

Work in simulation programs from specific manufacturers. Create a model of the line, place the robot and tool in it, prepare the parts and create a nice and functional simulation.


The course is focused on creating simulations based on real applications and for verifying the line layout when designing a robotic workstation. We will show how to create a model of the line, place the robot and tool in it and prepare the parts. We will demonstrate the creation of trajectories and tools for their automatic generation. We will do simulations of movements with collision control. We will add sensors, actuators and camera systems to our model and link them to the robot program to create sequentially controlled simulations. We will demonstrate how to use special software features from specific manufacturers to make the simulation both functional and representative of the customer.

Entry level skills

We expect applicants to have at least a basic knowledge of programming of a specific manufacturer or to have completed a course on the basics of robot programming. The course is suitable for those who work with robot line designs and for roboticists for whom this tool will facilitate project work and allow offline preparation. 

How the course works

The course focuses on practical exercises in a simulation environment. It can be completed in person at our premises, at your premises or online.

What you will need

A computer with the manufacturer's software installed and a license activated. In the case of online presentations, you will need a computer with a webcam.

Use in practice

After completing the course, you will be able to use the manufacturer's simulation software to create a visualization for the customer, verify the design of the robotic workstation and program and test the robotic line offline.

Jakub Mrva
Course instructor

Jakub Mrva

Jakub has been working at ICE since graduating from college. Since 2015, he has programmed several lines ranging in size from one to 16 robots. He has worked with robots from the design and simulation phase to final commissioning, and thus has comprehensive experience of the entire project process, including common errors that occur during these phases.

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