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Entrance gates to distribution centres

Our infeed sorting lines integrate several different products such as conveyors, bale height measurement, label printer with applicator and a reader system for reading and verifying the infeed label.

At the entrance to the logistics centres, the lines scan all incoming shipments and packages, evaluate them in a flash in the database, assign them a new stock number, relabel each individual package with a new label and use the new code to direct it to the correct distribution van. All these operations take 1.3 seconds per item.

The machine can be further enhanced with solutions including volumetric bale measurement, a pass-through weigher, a six-sided scanner and a check of the bottom of the bale (to ensure that it has not previously come into contact with water and the bottom is not punctured by further handling).

Entry to the line is manual, but the workstation can also be adapted to ergonomic needs and equipped with automatic tipping of pallets (tipper) or logistics carts (logistics cart).

Entrance gates to distribution centres

More references from Transport and Logistics

We will provide you with an audit and a new design of your automation. Entrust us with the whole project or part of the solution.